Sunday, March 4, 2007

Sunday Studio Time

Leah and I took a few hours today in the WPVM production studio to edit our interview with Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner of It will air on Thursday, March 8, 2007 which is International Women's Day. We've got a short show planned because we're also airing women's radio programs from around the world before and after the show. Tying in these international shows gives me hope that Listen 2 Women is part of a larger movement -- to bring more women's voices to the media. Which means more women's voices in to politics too -- since today you can't have one without the other.

We also came up with a new section that we'll add to the blog as we get going: WWME?

Who Would Mom Elect?

Thursday, March 1, 2007

March 1

Yesterday Shelley and I had the great pleasure of interveiwing Kristin Row-Finkbeiner, the co-author of the Motherhood Manifesto and co-founder of She is just an amazing woman. The interview will be aired on March 8 at 5pm EST on The most shocking thing that she shared with me was the fact that policy makers, employers and politicians believe that mothers are poor workers. It's amazing to me that such a bias against mothers in the work force exists. We must speak out and work towards eliminating this kind of bigotry. Our children depend on it.
As a working mom, I know that I not only work just as hard as I did prior to having my son, but I work smarter. I'm not willing to waste my time because I have so little of it. I really have to do everything right the first time because I can't afford to do it again. I amaze myself with what I can do in 10 hours a week.
I want thank Kristin for spending her time with us, we interviewed her at 6:30 in the morning her time, and for the good work she is doing on our behalf.